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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned the Institute of Medicine to convene a committee to study ways to better identify the most effective health care services.  The resulting report, published in January of 2008, is an important call to action: "The central premise underlying the report is that decisions about the care of individual patients should be based on the current best evidence available, and that having a single body charged with evaluating and sorting information will help to clarify for physicians, health care providers, and patients which is valid."  Read OR purchase the report here or listen to podcasts here.



Part of the challenge of getting evidence into practice is finding the evidence.  The Haynes "4S" model, which has led to the development of a "5S" model and now to the current "6S" model offers the researcher a guide to locating evidence for clinical decision making.  The abstract of the 2009 Evidence-Based Nursing article titled, "Accessing preappraised evidence: Fine-tuning the 5S model into a 6S model.", from DiCenso Bayley, and Haynes of McMaster University helps describe the triangular model. 


In the following linked pages, we link you to our best picks for sources of evidence, appraisal tools, and tools for utilizing evidence in practice.  Use these pages to find other web sites filled with rich learning and information about evidence based practice.  



*Remember, this is not an exhaustive list of all EBP resources available, but a good place to start.  

For additional resource ideas, contact your hospital, clinic, academic or public librarian.






  • Use Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms.

  • Remember to put "quotes" around search phrases (ex: "pressure ulcer").

  • Also, use the * or ? as your truncation / wildcard symbols.

    • (ex: "pressure ulcer*" finds pressure ulcer or pressure ulcers; randomi?ed finds randomised or randomized).

  • Try to identify the most appropriate Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) using this standardized language will return more targeted results.

  • Make friends with your clinical, academic or public librarian!  

    • They can guide you in your search as well as assist with locating and appraising your evidence.  

    • They can also help you get access to the evidence sources you need.


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